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Mineral and Gem
host the 2024
ROCKY MOUNTAIN FEDERATION of mineralogical Societies annual Convention



Rocky Mountain Federation Clubs,

The button below is the registration and information for the Rocky Mountain Federation Convention being held in Oklahoma City, Ok. October 25, 26 and 27, 2024.  It has all the forms that need to be filled out and sent in.  It has the hotel link that you can go in and book your room and pay upon arrival.  Please take note of the dates, if you need to add a day to the end or the beginning, just change the dates and it will let you do that for the same cost on the room.  Also if you have 2 or more in the room, anyone after the first person will be charged 10.00 a day for breakfast, so you might want to call to advise them while booking you only need breakfast for whom ever.  If you are calling to reserve, make sure you say you are with the Rocky Mountain Federation Convention so they will get you a discount on the room.  Please call the Central Reservations number with them 833-798-4195.

Look for the dates that all your paperwork need to be turned in.  We want to make sure you do not miss a date of cut off. 

I will send this out again in the first week of October to make sure you get it and re able to share with all your members of your club. 

We would like to see 2 delegates from each club.  This allows your club to be represented and vote on anything that comes up.  You will get an email telling you what we will be voting on but there may be a few things from the floor that will need to be addressed as well.  And as always, we vote on the board and state directors during this meeting.  Later I will send out an email reminding you that we would like to have your honorees that have passed on from this earth that belonged to your club.  We honor them during the meetings.  We will want the list that includes those who passed during 2023 and up to present. You will need to send those to me or to your state director. 

It is a great show, many dealers, over the top kids zone, silent auction, demonstrations and show cases.  There is also some really great field trips planned during this time.  I know you will want to come participate in these.  So, please make sure you bring this up to your club members and pass on this email to anyone that would like to attend.



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